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Politiets forvaltningssenter - Haugesund
Sør-Vest politidistrikt
- Telephone
- 51 89 90 00
- Street address
- Sørhauggata 128, 5527 Haugesund Show in map
- Address
- Postboks 240, 4001 Stavanger
Opening Hours
Opening hours | |
MondayMo | 08:00–14:30 |
TuesdayTu | 08:00–14:30 |
WednesdayWe | 08:00–14:30 |
ThursdayTh | 08:00–14:30 |
FridayFr | 08:00–14:30 |
Tenester og opningstider
Contact information
- Telephone
- 52 86 80 30
Opening Hours
Closed on public holidays
Opening hours | Phone hours | |
MondayMo | 08:00–14:00 | 10:00–14:00 |
TuesdayTu | 08:00–14:00 | 10:00–14:00 |
WednesdayWe | 08:00–14:00 | 10:00–14:00 |
ThursdayTh | 08:00–14:00 | 10:00–14:00 |
FridayFr | 08:00–14:00 | 10:00–14:00 |
Passkontoret i Haugesund har flyttet til Politiets forvaltingssenter i Sørhauggata 128.
Contact information
- Telephone
- 51 89 80 30
Opening Hours
Closed on public holidays
Opening hours | |
MondayMo | 09:00–14:00 |
TuesdayTu | 09:00–14:00 |
WednesdayWe | 09:00–14:00 |
ThursdayTh | 09:00–14:00 |
FridayFr | 09:00–14:00 |
Ta med gyldig legitimasjon, to passbilete og reisedokumentasjon.
Opening Hours
You must have an appointment to meet. We publish new appointments for all application types every week; as a general rule on Fridays. If you cannot find an available time, check the application portal at a later time.
The service center for foreign workers
Information from the Service center for foreign workers.
Drop in
We have drop-in on Tuesday at 12.00-14.00. The drop-in service includes only the collection of travel documents, residence cards or other original documents.
Hourly agreement
You must call or send an e-mail to make an appointment if you need to renew asylum or other applications that cannot be submitted in the Application Portal.
Opening hours | Phone hours | |
MondayMo | 09:00–14:00 | 09:00–14:00 |
TuesdayTu | 09:00–14:00 | 09:00–14:00 |
WednesdayWe | 09:00–14:00 | 09:00–14:00 |
ThursdayTh | 09:00–14:00 | 09:00–14:00 |
FridayFr | 09:00–14:00 | 09:00–14:00 |
Contact information
- Telephone
- 51 89 90 00
Opening Hours
Closed on public holidays
Phone hours | |
MondayMo | 09:00–11:00 |
TuesdayTu | 09:00–11:00 |
WednesdayWe | Closed |
ThursdayTh | 09:00–11:00 |
FridayFr | Closed |
Contact information
- Telephone
- 51 89 90 00
Opening Hours
Closed on public holidays
Opening hours | Phone hours | |
MondayMo | 09:00–14:00 | 09:00–10:3012:30–14:30 |
TuesdayTu | 09:00–14:00 | 09:00–10:3012:30–14:30 |
WednesdayWe | 09:00–14:00 | Closed |
ThursdayTh | 09:00–14:00 | 09:00–10:3012:30–14:30 |
FridayFr | 09:00–14:00 | Closed |
Contact information
- Telephone
- 51 89 90 00
- Denne e-postadressa skal du bruke om du alt har ei sak hos oss (oppgi saksnummer i e-posten, startar på T, F eller G). For nokre sakstypar kan du også kontakte oss digitalt via "Mine saker". Om du ikkje har ei sak, kontakt oss på
Opening Hours
Closed on public holidays
Opening hours | Phone hours | |
MondayMo | 09:00–14:00 | 10:00–14:00 |
TuesdayTu | 09:00–14:00 | 10:00–14:00 |
WednesdayWe | 09:00–14:00 | 10:00–14:00 |
ThursdayTh | 09:00–14:00 | 10:00–14:00 |
FridayFr | 09:00–14:00 | 10:00–14:00 |
For post til Namsmannen og Forliksrådet kan følgende adresse benyttes:
Namsmannen i Haugesund
Postboks 278
5501 Haugesund
Contact information
- Telephone
- 51 89 90 00
Opening Hours
Closed on public holidays
Opening hours | Phone hours | |
MondayMo | 09:00–14:00 | 09:00–14:00 |
TuesdayTu | 09:00–14:00 | 09:00–14:00 |
WednesdayWe | 09:00–14:00 | 09:00–14:00 |
ThursdayTh | 09:00–14:00 | 09:00–14:00 |
FridayFr | 09:00–14:00 | 09:00–14:00 |