Before you contact us

If you have a digital mailbox (Digipost, Altinn or e-Boks), we will send the police certificate of conduct rejection letter there. Check the status of your application here to see where the certificate/letter has been sent.

If you do not have a digital mailbox or have reserved yourself from receiving decisions from public authorities, we will send the police certificate by post to the address you have provided in the application. This usually takes up to 14 days.

The police certificate of conduct or other personal information will only be sent by post or digital post, not by e-mail.

Application process

Our expected processing time is normally 14 days, calculated from the time we have received all the necessary documentation in the case. The processing time can be longer during time periods when we receive a high number of applications. 

We cannot tell if you have sent in all the necessary documentation before we have started to process your case. We will contact you by letter to your digital mailbox or by post if we need further information to process your application.

Lengre saksbehandlingstid i oktober

På grunn av svært mange søknader er det lengre saksbehandlingstid. Det kan i noen tilfeller derfor gå over 14 dager før du får svar på søknaden din. Vi behandler søknadene så raskt vi kan.

Contact us

You can contact us by telephone if you have any other questions. Please provide your case number to make it easier for us to help you.  


+ 47 404 01 550

Telephone hours

  • Monday: Closed 
  • Tuesday: 08:30–11:30
  • Wednesday: Closed
  • Thursday: 08:30–11:30
  • Friday: Closed

Postal address

Politiets enhet for vandelskontroll og politiattester
Postboks 113
9951 Vardø

Visiting address

Hospitalgata 6
9952 Vardø
