Østfold Sikkerhetsservice Vakt ASThe document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 96 KB in size.
Østfold Sikkerhetsservice Vakt AS er godkjent som vaktselskap i Øst politidistrikt og Innlandet politidistrikt.
Patronsamling- Beskrivelse av samlerområde - malThe document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 104 KB in size.
Offentlig journal PFT uke 12 (17032025 - 23032025)The document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 169 KB in size.
Vestre Viken HFThe document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 91 KB in size.
Vestre Viken HF er godkjent som vaktselskap i Sør-Øst politidistrikt.
Felles årsrapport for etatenes innsats mot arbeidslivskriminalitet 2024The document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 840 KB in size.
Important information for tourists renting a vehicle in winter TromsThe document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 138 KB in size.
Strasak Øst PD 2024The document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 396 KB in size.
Denne oversikten inneholder et utdrag av straffesakstallene for Øst politidistrikt i 2024.
Offentlig søkerlisteThe document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 143 KB in size.
Offentlig søkerliste til stillingen som assisterende politidirektør.
Flagg Sikkerhet ASThe document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 91 KB in size.
Flagg Sikkerhet AS er godkjent som vaktselskap i Vest politidistrikt.
Telemark Vaktselskap ASThe document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 117 KB in size.
Telemark Vaktselskap AS er godkjent som vaktselskap i Sør-Øst politidistrikt.
Mistet våpenkortThe document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 183 KB in size.
Skjema for melding om mistet våpenkort.
Vedlegg til våpensøknad fra person under 18 årThe document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 170 KB in size.
Politiets trusselvurdering 2025The document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 2.885 MB in size.
Politiets trusselvurdering er en årlig rapport som reflekterer politiets mest oppdaterte og helhetlige forståelse av det norske kriminalitetsbildet.
Forced returns from Norway in 2024The document is of type pdf, is in english, and is 513 KB in size.
Forced returns from Norway in 2024 sorted by nationalities and destination countries.
STRASAK-rapporten for Sør-Vest politidistrikt 2024The document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 1.484 MB in size.
Anmeldt kriminalitet og politiets straffesaksbehandling i Sør-Vest politidistrikt 2024
January 2025 forced returns from NorwayThe document is of type pdf, is in english, and is 278 KB in size.
Forced returns from Norway in the period January 1 - January 31 2025, sorted by nationalities and destination countries.
February 2025 forced returns from NorwayThe document is of type pdf, is in english, and is 305 KB in size.
Forced returns from Norway in the period February 1 - February 28 2025, sorted by nationalities and destination countries.
Februar – uttransporteringer fra NorgeThe document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 324 KB in size.
Uttransporteringer av personer uten lovlig opphold fra Norge i perioden 1.02.2025 - 28.02.2025 fordelt på nasjonaliteter og destinasjoner.
Straffesakstal for Møre og Romsdal politidistrikt 2024The document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 217 KB in size.
Denne oversikta inneheld eit utdrag av straffesakstala for Møre og Romsdal politidistrikt i 2024.
Åpen trusselvurdering for Nordland pd 2025The document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 13.563 MB in size.
Åpen trusselvurdering for Nordland politidistrikt (LTV) 2025