Nasjonal instruks for politiets kommunikasjon i offentlighetenThe document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 158 KB in size.
Instruksen gjelder for politiets kommunikasjon i mediene og ulike kanaler og arenaer hvor politiet er til stede.
Hønefoss Vaktselskap ASThe document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 117 KB in size.
Hønefoss Vaktselskap AS er godkjent som vaktselskap i Sør-Øst, Innlandet, Oslo og Øst politidistrikt.
Lokal trusselvurdering 2024 for Innlandet politidistrikt OffentligThe document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 691 KB in size.
AK Sikkerhet ASThe document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 102 KB in size.
AK Sikkerhet AS er godkjent som vaktselskap i Øst politidistrikt og Oslo politidistrikt.
Klager på politiet 2023The document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 614 KB in size.
Request for Access to Personal Data under the Personal Data Act (GDPR)The document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 130 KB in size.
Gáibádus geahčadeami persuvdnadieđuid Persuvdnadiehtolága (GDPR) vuođulThe document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 131 KB in size.
Krav om innsyn i personopplysningar etter personopplysningslova (GDPR)The document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 130 KB in size.
Signatur foresatte VåpenThe document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 83 KB in size.
Signatur foresatte VåpenThe document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 83 KB in size.
Veikantundersøkelse bruk av mobiltelefon 2024The document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 2.784 MB in size.
Telling av ulovlig bruk av mobiltelefon under kjøring 2024.
Askim Sikkerhetsservice ASThe document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 96 KB in size.
Askim Sikkerhetsservice AS er godkjent som vaktselskap i Oslo og Øst politidistrikt.
Gáibádus geahčadeami politiija guovddáš registariidThe document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 221 KB in size.
Krav om innsyn i personopplysninger etter personopplysningsloven (GDPR)The document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 384 KB in size.
July 2024 forced returns from NorwayThe document is of type pdf, is in english, and is 372 KB in size.
Forced returns from Norway in the period July 1 - June 31 2024, sorted by nationalities and destination countries.
Nyhetsbrev næringslivskontakten i Nordland_utgitt september 2024The document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 1.440 MB in size.
Vectrocon ASThe document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 90 KB in size.
Vectrocon AS er godkjent som vaktselskap i Agder, Møre og Romsdal, Sør-Vest, Trøndelag, Sør-Øst, Vest, Innlandet, Oslo og Øst politidistrikt.
August 2024 forced returns from NorwayThe document is of type pdf, is in english, and is 431 KB in size.
Forced returns from Norway in the period August 1 - August 31 2024, sorted by nationalities and destination countries.
Better Business ASThe document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 108 KB in size.
Better Business AS er godkjent som vaktselskap i Agder, Møre og Romsdal, Sør-Vest, Trøndelag, Finnmark, Nordland, Sør-Øst, Vest, Innlandet, Oslo, Troms og Øst politidistrikt.
Årsrapport arrestforhold 2023The document is of type pdf, is in norwegian, and is 21.776 MB in size.
Årsrapport om arrestforhold for 2023.